Make me a simple video game. It's OK if it's an easy dumb game. * Duck Hunter Make a duck that fly by. When you click on them (shoot them), the score increases. Bonus: Ducks die or disappear when you shoot them Bonus: Two ducks Bonus: Only six shots * Lunar Lander Make a rocket ship. When I use the arrow keys, it flys around. Bonus: It knows if it has crashed or landed softly Bonus: It is a crash if it hits the walls Bonus: Runs out of fuel * Pong There is a ball that bounces around When it hits the paddle, it bounces back Bonus: Keeps score Bonus: Ball moves faster each bounce Bomus: Paddle cannot leave the screen Basic Game: 60% Bonus: +13.333333% Turned in by Monday Apr 8th at 4pm: +10% Turned in after Wednesday Apr 10th at 4pm: -10%