4 point -- Computer keeps track of who's turn it is 4 point -- Two humans can play tic-tac-toe 4 points - Notices who wins 1 point -- One cannot steal another's square 1 point -- It keeps track of turns even if someone tries to steal 1 point -- Reset button that clears screan 1 point -- Plays sound (see http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS120/OldStuff/) 1,000 points -- implements all of Google 1 point -- Turned in by Thursday Feb 28 at 4pm 1 point -- Turned in by Tuesdsay March 11th Although this is out of 1,000,018 points, an OK grade is 12 and a good grade is probably something like 14. I am not expecting people to get all the points. These extra points are just for the brainiacs.