Make a program with three rectangles and a large square. The rectangles should be colored red, green, and blue. The program should have three global variables, 'red','green', and 'blue'. These start at zero. When the user clicks on the top or bottom half of the red rectangle, the value of 'red' increases or decreases. The same with 'green' and 'blue'. The square is always the result of g.setColor(new Color(red, green,blue)); Points 1 There are three rectangles 1 There are three color variables 1 The square is always the right color. 1 The color variables go up or down as they should. 1 The color variables are always in the range 0 ... 255. 1 (HARD) There is a second square of a random color. When the user-selected color has the same values as the random square, the user wins. 1 (MEDIUM HARD) There is a help screen. When I click on the help button, the screen completly changes to just show help instructions. 1 You print the color variable numbers onto the graphics screen. -1 Every day after Thursday Sep 19th. Total: 8 points