Make me a shoot-the-duck game. Points: * (1,000,000 points) The duck wraps around from left to right. * (1,000,000 points) The duck bounces off the top and bottom. * (1,000,000 points) The duck knows when he's been hit. * (1,000,000 points) Game ends after 6 shots. * (1,000,000 points) Uses a method not counting paint, the constructor, init, or the mice/keyboard ones. * (100,000 points) There is a sound when you shoot. * (100,000 points) There is a JPG or PNG or GIF. * (100,000 points) There is an introduction screen. * (100,000 points) Pressing 'r' resets the game. Due Wed Feb 26th, with -10% per workday afterwords.