Your mission is to make any sort of bouncing ball game. You could do Pong. You could do Breakout. You could do Wii Table Tenis. Feel free to steal any bouncing ball code you want. * Has a paddle-like-thing controlled by the human * Responds to the keyboard * Has a bounce, boink, fail, or win sound. * Keeps score in any way. * The game ends somehow. * There is a method beyond the normal ones that does something useful. * There is a second method beyond the normal ones that does something useful. * There is a third method beyond the normal ones that does something useful. * Has some method (maybe one of the above) that returns a value that gets use. * Has a high score table. * Has a help screen. * Other cool feature. -1 point every day after Nov 2nd. Max 10 points. Nine points is an A.