A prime number is any number that has no divisors except itself and one. Twelve is not prime because it can be divided by six. Six is not prime because it can be divided by three. Three is prime because nothing divides three except three and one.
The first bunch of prime numbers are 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97. You can find a list of the first 10,000 primes here.
Your mission is to make a program that prints every prime number below 100.
You get 10,000 points for computing the list.
You get 10,000 point if you look up how to play Yu-Gi-Oh and can beat my son in a duel.
You get 10,000 points for printing it to both the console window and the graphics window.
You get a 5,000 points for having bigger numbers in a bigger font.
You get 5,000 points for turning this in by Monday Feb 18th.
You lose 5,000 points per day ever school day after Wednesday Feb 20th.
This assignment is out of 40,000 points.
I want to buy a house that costs $300,000. Every month I can pay $800. The bank wants 5% interest per year, which is 5%/12 per month.
Interest is compounded monthly, not continuously. So don't use the mortgage formula, just compute the amount each month.
How much money will I owe after 10 years?
You get 10,000 points for computing the amount outstanding after each month.
You get 10,000 points for printing it to both the console window and the graphics window.
You get a 5,000 points for having bigger numbers in a bigger font.