
Professor: Randy Appleton rappleto@nmu.edu
Times: Mon,Wed,Thr,Fri at 11am.
Tutor: Tuesday 3-5 and Friday 9-11 in NSF 1107.

Mon Aug 27 -- Syllabus stuff. How to turn in programs. Install software.
Wed Aug 29 -- First drawing program.
Thr Aug 30 -- Assignment one. Making a background. Making a color. Making a polygon. Making circles or rectangles kiss. Drawing clouds. Drawing faces. Making your own color.
Fri Aug 31 -- Work on first homework.
Wed Sep 5-- Loop assignment. Declaring variables. ints and doubles. System.out.println. Loops. While loops. Counting up. Counting down. Counting by 3s. Counting by factors.
Thr Sep 6 -- Drawing with while loops.
Fri Sep 7 -- For loops. Loops that double in size. Loops that halve. Loops that compute the chessboard-grain problem. Loops that compute 3^5. Loops that only print the answer when done, and not each iteration. Loops that never happen. Purposeful infinite loops.
Mon Sep 10 -- Nested while loops. Nested for loops. Computing mulitply tables with System.out.println. Counting iterations. Making a checkerboard. Making a 2d color chart. Making a pyramid. Making triangles with nested loops. Making a multiply table with g.drawString.
Wed Sep 12 -- Nested Loops assignment. Then the homework Tree.
Thr Sep 13 -- Work in class.
Fri Sep 14 -- Work in class.
Mon Sep 17 -- Methods. Using methods to compute a person's age, the decimal part of a number, the remainder after dividing by 5. Using methods to draw faces. Using methods to draw triangles. Defining parameter, argument, and return type. Defining void.
Wed Sep 19 -- Practice with methods.
Thr Sep 20 -- ARGONNE is Oct 26th. Methods work.
Fri Sep 21 -- If statements. If-else statements. If-else if-else statements. More work with methods: graph sin(x), graph abs(x), distance between points, is a point in a rectangle, is a number Prime, count the factors of a number, return heads or tails, give a random number between a and b, flip a biased coin. Talk about variable scope and variable lifetime.
Mon Sep 24 -- Mouse programs!!!!
Mon Oct 1 -- Keyboard Programs. Make red or green. Make bright or dark. Move the ball. Help screens.
Wed Oct 3 -- Easy mouse and keyboard assignment.
Fri Oct 5 -- Catch up day for students who are missing ANYTHING.
Mon Oct 8 -- TEST
Mon Oct 15 -- The pong or lunar lander game.
Mon Oct 22 -- Arrays.
Wed Oct 24 -- Definition of algorithm. Binary search. Array Example using numberline.
Thr Oct 25 -- Connect the dots assignment.
Wed Nov 7 -- Array Methods Assignment.
Fri Nov 9 -- Quiz on methods and arrays.
Wed Nov 14 -- Answers to the quiz. Objects.
Fri Nov 16 -- Objects with accesor methods. Set size, color, outline mode, orientation.
Mon Nov 19 -- Object laboratory.
Mon Nov 26 -- Remind students about Object Laboratory. Go over catapult game.
Wed Nov 29 -- New assignment.
Fri Dec 7 -- Review for final exam, and Last year's final exam.
Wed Dec 12 -- Final Exam 10am