CS Tutor

To be announced


Mon Aug 23 -- Go over the syllabus stuff. Install software from the StartUp folder and test test program. Go over key words compiler, Java, program, source code, class file, dox box, and algorithm. Go over the coordinate system.
Wed Aug 25 -- Start drawing. First drawing program.
Thu Aug 26 -- More drawing
Fri Aug 27 -- Program 1. Methods. Methods with parameters.
Thr Sep 2 -- Quiz
Fri Sep 3 -- Loops.
Mon Sep 13 -- Drawing with loops.
Wed Sep 15 -- Quiz on loops and drawing.
Thr Sep 16 -- Nested loops.
Fri Sep 17 -- Beach assignment. Math table. Practice nested loops.
Wed Sep 29 -- Bunny foo foo finder assignment. Go over test.
Mon Oct 4 -- Mouse click practice.
Wed Oct 20 -- List of keyevents.
Fri Oct 22 -- Go over the connect the dots assigment. Arrays!!!.
Mon Nov 15 -- Math assignment.
Mon Nov 28 -- The Final Assignment.
Fri Dec 3 -- Final exam review.