
Mon Aug 29 -- Meet fellow students. Go over the syllabus stuff. Install software from the StartUp folder and test test program. Go over key words compiler, Java, program, source code, class file, dos box, and algorithm. Go over the coordinate system.
Wed Aug 31 -- First drawing program.
Fri Sep 2 -- Declaring variables. Types of variables. Names of variables. Scope. Math. Random numbers. For loops.
Thr Sep 8 -- Work on loops worksheet.
Fri Sep 9 -- Graphics loop practice.
Mon Sep 12 -- Computing things (interest, populations, sums (rice)) with loops. Nested loops including counting,
Wed Sep 14 -- Our first video game!!!
Thr Sep 15 -- quiz on loops.
Fri Sep 16 -- Alan Turing. cleverbot. two cleverbots. Turing test assignment. Drunk test. Number line game.
Mon Sep 19 -- Add the numbers game. Animation
Wed Sep 21 -- Work day.
Thr Sep 22 -- Work day.
Fri Sep 23 -- Quiz on loops and if statements.
Mon Sep 26 -- Graphs with loops.
Wed Sep 28 -- Nested loops.
Thr Sep 29 -- Work with nested loops.
Mon Oct 3 -- Bunny Finder. Example.
Wed Oct 5 -- Work on Bunny Assignment.
Mon Oct 10 -- Methods, with parameters or arguments, return types, calling.
Mon Oct 17 -- Work on objects via drawing faces.
Wed Oct 19 -- Work on Objects via drawing cars.
Mon Oct 24 -- Copying, doubling, *2, +2, search for an item, count the items, sort arrays.
Fri Oct 28 -- Connect the dots. More arrays
Mon Nov 7 -- A Room Tempature Simulator
Mon Nov 14 -- Last Array Assignment (and it's easy). Objects!!!
Mon Nov 21 -- Two very easy programs and Cannball big program.
Mon Nov 28 -- Graph visualization. Lab day.
Fri Dec 7 -- Review for the final.