1) You can change the background color. 2) You can move the big ball left and right and up and down. Please move it in units of 10 pixels, because 1 pixel at a time is quite slow. 3) The big ball stays on the screen. 4) The text for the button is within the button. 5) The buttons have a variable length. One of the parameters for the button is the length. CHECK TO MAKE SURE THE WHOLE BUTTON WORKS. The constructor for the button might be something like ... public buttun(int newX, int newY, String newText, int newLength) 6) The buttons have a variable color. One of the parameters for the button is the color. The constructor for the button might be something like ... public buttun(int newX, int newY, String newText, Color newColor) 7) One of the buttons move. When you click it the button goes to a random spot. The buttons have a move method. When called the buttons move to the new location. The main class calls the move method with (int)(Math.random() * 300). In other words, the buttons have a method public void move(int newX, int newY)