There is a CD_Player object, with the following methods.  Your task is to write a program using the CD_Player object that can play CDs.  When the user presses a '1', '2' or '3' you should tell the CD_Player to play that track.  If the user clicks on the mouse, you should stop playing the CD (and then start again when the user enters a number.  Your program should also show the status bar for the CD_Player in the center of the screen.  The screen is 400x400 and the status bar is 50x100.

class CD_Player {
       CD_Player(int x, int y, Color c);          // constructor
       void playTrack(int trackNumber);      // starts playing a single track
       void stopPlay();                                 // stop playing the CD
       void paint(Graphics g);                     // Draw the status bar on the screen
       int getTrackNum();                            // Returns the number of the current track