3) What nation touches the United States (besides Canada and Mexico)int i = 10; while (i > 10 ) { g.drawLine(i, 10, i , 100); i = i+1; }
4) What is the last line this loop draws
5) What is the southernmost U.S. state?int counter=100; while (counter > 10) { g.drawLine(i, 10, i 100); counter=counter+1; }
6) How many lines does this loop draw?
7) What is the smallest continent?int counter=1; while (counter < 10) { g.drawLine(i, 10, i, 100); }
8) What is the 'signature' of drawLine?
9) What type is the first argument to drawString?
10) When you write your own functions, should they be public or private?