Randy Appleton's CS120 -- Java
Randy Appleton
JXJ 2214
This class teaches some basic programming concepts using Java.
Grades are assigned from programs (50%), a midterm (25%), and a final(25%). There might be a quiz at the end of every chapter or two (generally pre-announced). Each quiz counts for very little towards the total grade. Hopefully the quizes will let you know how you are doing while there is still time to change it, and let me know what subject areas I need to review. ALWAYS TURN IN PROGRAMS, even in late.
I hate late assignments!!! However, it is much better to turn something in late rather than not at all. The late penalty depends on the assignment, the lateness, and the reason. If there was some unavoidable reason you could not turn a project in on time (i.e. car crash, snow day, etc.) just ask me to waive the penalty. I'm pretty lenient.
The web page for this class is http://cs.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS120. You will find my chapter notes, example programs, and other stuff in there.
Most importantly, you will find every old test I have ever given, and can use them as a study guide.
If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office at 2001 C. B. Hedgcock (227-1700; TTY 227-1543). Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state and University guidelines.
These courses are designed to introduce students to the ways in which information and ideas are expressed using a communication system other than English. Such courses should foster the student’s ability to conceptualize and communicate in an orderly, rational manner. Characteristics of a communication system include: 1) possession of a grammar; 2) operation from an established set of rules; 3) reasoning properties such as deduction, inference drawing and problem solving. This includes courses in languages and those in which the central focus of the course is on statistics, computers or formal logic.
CS 120 is an introductory programming course. It forms the foundation for later CS courses, but it also satisfies Division V liberal studies credit. Upon successful completion of this course, a student should be able to do the following in the Java programming language:
Solve programming problems through the use of conditionals, loops, and nested control structures
Write an instantiable class from scratch
Write code to call constructors and invoke methods on objects
Demonstrate an understanding of commonly used operators (logical,arithmetic, and comparison)
Demonstrate a basic understanding of arrays and their syntax
Evaluation of these learning outcomes will be done through written assessments (quizzes and/or exams) and programming assignments.