Mon Jan 16 -- Syllabus stuff and tools and an applet and The Sandbox and writing an application and File I/O and some examples.
Wed Jan 18 -- Easy keys assignments due File I/O and some examples.
Thr Jan 14 -- In class assignment using files and string searching.
Mon Jan 18 -- Quiz on files.
Wed Jan 20 -- Tutors. Do loops. Compare do loops with for loops and while loops. Big-O notation. Sorting! including bubble sort and selection sort.
Thr Jan 21 -- Sorting.
Fri Jan 22 -- Parameter passing and pass by value and arrays and objects. Writing swap(a,b).
Mon Jan 25 -- Global variables and helpful and evil. Public vs private. Sorting objects.(code from class.) Building a compareTo method for objects.
Wed Jan 27 -- Objects using the sleep example. Constructors. Public and private. compareTo vs lessthan(). toString(). Multi-criteria sorting using the person app.
Thr Jan 28 -- Recursion. The connect the dots assignment. Accessor methods. Making an outline.
Mon Feb 1 -- Write a program like our current assignment.
Wed Feb 3 -- Recursion practice.
Wed Feb 10 -- Double dimentioned arrays.
Thr Feb 11 -- More 2d array work.
Fri Feb 12 -- Lab day (and connect-the-dots due).
Mon Feb 15 -- Binary Search. Binary search with recursion.
Wed Feb 17 -- Finding square roots with recursion. Computing square roots babylon style. Newton's method. Timing algorithms. Timing binary search. Timing sort.
Thr Feb 18 -- Video Games with double buffering, objects that simulate motion and bouncing and gravity and air resistance.
Fri Feb 19 -- Images in Java. Sound in Java. Collision detection. Top score files. Random motion. Arrays of sprites.
Mon Feb 22 -- Pick a game. Review how to do it. Mazes. Pausing. Writing space invaders.
Wed Feb 24 -- Lab day. Work on game.
Thr Feb 25 -- TEST.
Mon Mar 8 -- Go over test. Copying arrays and array pointers. Hash tables. Hash functions.
Wed Mar 11 -- Hash table assignment.
Wed Mar 17 -- Go over "static". A static variable. A static method. Calling a static method/variable. review pointers movie. Linked lists definition. Linked lists advantages. Linked lists disadvantages. Double/circular linked lists. Head.
Wed Mar 24 -- Linked list continued. Adding to front and rear. Summing and finding max and finding min. Delete a node by value. Delete a node by index number.
Mon Mar 29 -- Work on linked lists.
Frid Apr 2 -- Recursion practice. Recursion game.
Mon Apr 5 -- Go over 'extends'.
Wed Apr 7 -- Fix this code.