Your mission is to make a paint program. When the user clicks, you should draw dots. When there is more than one dot, you should connect the dots. I expect that every good program will have at least three classes: A main class that does all the drawing (i.e. the Applet) A class that holds and X and a Y (i.e. a Point) A class that holds an array of points (i.e. the container class) Points (5 points) You have a class representing a point. It MUST have private variables holding the X and Y coordinates. You will therefore need accessor methods. (5 points) You have a container class holding the array of points. The array and the count of the points are private. This class has add, deleteFirst, and deleteLast methods. (5 points) Can save and reload the points via files. When I press a button or key, it loads and saves. * Draws a dot when the user clicks * Connects the dots with line segments (open or closed, your choice) * Pushing a button or key removes the first dot * Pushing a button or key removes the last dot * Pushing a button or key clears the list of dots * Clicking on a dot removes it from the list * Pushing a button or key shows a help screen * Has an on-screen button. * Can change line thickness * Can switch between open and closed drawing modes * Can switch colors * Maintains a list of all the points so far. Uses toString for this. * Implements all of the Microsoft Office functionality. The first 17 points are worth full credit. The next 4 are worth 1/2 point each. The rest are worth 1/4 point each. This assignment is out of 19 points. It is possible to get 21.25 points (out of 17, so extra credit). This is due Wed Feb 10th.