One version of the program uses inheritance. One version of this program uses intefaces. These are two seperate programs. Your mission is to write a program that draws shapes on the screen. The screen has three kinds of screen area: buttons, shapes, and empty. If the user clicks on a button, the coresponding shape appears in the middle of the screen If the user clicks on a shape, the shape is "selected". If the user clicks on empty area, the selected shape moves to that area. If the user types "r", the selected shape assumes a random color. If the user types "d", the selected shape disappears. All things are subject to gravity, air resistance, and non-elastic colisions. Gravity is just a constant component added to your downward motion vy = vy + gravity Air resistance is a reduction in speed proportional to the square of speed. vy = vy - vy * vy * airResistance (assuming vy > 0) same with vx Non-elastic colisions are just a reduction in speed do to colisions vy = -vy * elastisity Points Task 10,000,000 Can draw three shapes 10,000,000 Shapes can disappear as above 10,000,000 Shapes can move as above 10,000,000 Shapes can change color as above 10,000,000 Shapes fall due to gravity and air resistance 5,000,000 Shapes bounce off each other 5,000,000 Shapes as complex as a triangle oval, or plus bounce off each other *right*. 5,000,000 Commando penguins come and steal shapes. 10,000,000 Write me a *good* paragraph or more telling which is better for this assignment, inheritance or interfaces. 5,000,000 Turned in by Wednesday April 28th at 4:01pm 5,000,000 Turned in by Thursday April 29th at 4:01pm ---------- 85,000,000 Things to check for: The user changes color or moves an deleted object. The user selects an object twice in a row. Two shapes are on top of each other, and then the user clicks the overlaped area. Commando penguins steal a selected shape.