Review for the test * Sandbox o What is it? o Why does it exist? o How to avoid it. * Loops o Counting forward and backward by one or more example: Write me a loop that counts from 100 ... 1 by threes o for, while and do loops o Infinite loops o Converting one kind of loop to another * If-Thens o Simple if-thens o If-thens with elses o Complex conditions write me an if that prints "yes" if the variable 'age' is greater than 10 or the variable 'name' is Jenny Jones you should know and, or, and not you should know <, <=, ==, >=, >, !=, and string.compareTo o Remember that string compares do NOT use == * Files o If a file is a text file or a binary file. o How to open a file. o How to read from a file. o How to write to a file. o What needs to go into the try block. o When does the code in the catch block execute. o Write me a program that copies a file. o Write me a program that counts the number of lines in the file. o Write me a program that prints "yes" if the file "fred.txt" exists o Write me a program that prints "yes" is the file contains a line that reads "to be or not to be". * Simple array stuff o Given an array, put this value in location 0, and push every thing down one. o Remove the value at location 12, and move 13 ... up to fill the spot. o Reverse the array (hard) o Fill the array with the value '10'. o Count the number of 3's in the array o Find the biggest/smallest element in the array * Sorting o How does bubble sort work. o How does selection sort work. o Which is fastest/slowest. o Which sort is fastest on an already sorted list? o Be able to write either bubble or selection sort, or convert from one to the other. o Know how to sort in reverse order o Look at the code below. Which kind of sort is it? Will array[0] be the smallest or the largest element in the array? o If it takes 10 seconds to sort a 1000 element list, and 40 seconds to sort a 2000 element list, could this be a bubble sort? * Linked List o When is a linked liste better than an array? o When is a linked list worse than an array? o On which operations is a linked list fast/slow? o How much memory does a linked list consume o Be able to write insert at head/tail of a linked list. o Be able to write search of a linked list. * Inheritence and Interfaces o Know how to write a simple example of each. o Inheritance means that some functions need not be duplicated. o Know which assigments are allowed. shape=rect (yes) rect=shape(no) o Interfaces just allows for some extra assignments. o Use of super() * Constructors o How to make a constructor o When constructors are called. o Just simple constructor questions * Recursion o What is recursion? o What is a base case? o What is a recursive case? o BE ABLE TO WRITE CODE Things not on the test but that I hoped you learned How to play sounds How to import a JPG/PNG How to double-buffer How to Thread.sleep(10) Writing an applet-application