The Sort and File and Binary Search Quiz 1) Binary search works on lists all lists only lists of words sorted lists large lists 2) (true/false) When rock climbing, you should use a stretchy rope. 2) Put these in order. Number 1 is fastest, 2 is medium, 3 is slowest. running selection sort on a list running bubble sort on a list seaching for an item using binary seach on a list 3) What kind of things must go in a try-catch block? 4) What do you call the person who holds the rope while you rock climb? 5) I want to read and print the first byte of the file "climber.txt". Finish this program public class rock { public static void main(String args) { try { } catch (Exception e) {} } } 6) What can read files applets applications both neither Write me a program that that can tell if 'fred.txt' exists prints the 7'th line of fred.txt. sorts and prints fred.txt print's a count of the number of lines in fred.txt.