1) The Fibinacci sequence Base case: fib(1) = 1 and fib(2) = 1 Recursive case: fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) 2) Pow(int base, int exp). Computes base^exp 3) Printlines(String text, int count). Prints the text count times. 4) Log10(int n). How many times can you divide by 10 before you get 1? Alternatively, how mandy digits is the number. Use Integer math. 5) Div(a, b). Returns a/b. You cannot use "/". 6) BigString(String text, int count). Returns the text multiplied count times. For example, BigString("Hi", 3) returns "HiHiHi". It prints nothing. 7) Mod(a, b). Returns the remainder of a / b. You cannot use "%". 8) Triangle(x, y, l). Makes a filled in triangle. Make an applet. Base case: if l <= 0 do nothing Recursive case: Draw a line from (x, y) to (x+l, y), then Triangle(x+1, y+1, l-2) 9) HasAnE(String text). Returns true if there is an 'E' anywhere, false otherwise. Remember text.charAt(A) is the Ath letter, and text.substr(A, B) is the A..(B-1) letters of the string,