0) Print forever 0) Count(N) -> print 1, 2, 3, 4, ... N 0) Sum(n): print sum of everything from 1..n 0) Even(n): print yes of no if N is even 0) printer(str, n): Print str 'n' times 0) doubleprint(str): print each letter of str twice! 1) Make a function that computes the factorial of n. fac(3) = 6 // 3*2*1 fac(5) = 120 // 5*4*3*2*1 2) Make a method that prints n spaces and then a '*'. stars(3) -> " *" stars(7) -> " *" 3) Make a method that computes A to the Bth power power(3,5) -> 243 power(2,3) -> 8 power(0,1) -> 0 power(0,0) -> anything you want 5) Make a method that computes the remainder of A divided by B remainder(17,3) -> 2 remainder(17,13) -> 4 remainder(3,33) -> 0 6) Make a function that computes integer the log base b of a. logg(8,2) -> 3 because 2^3 = 8 logg(81,3) -> 4 because 3^4 = 81 log(82,3) -> 4 because 3^4 < 82 and 3^5 > 82 9) Multiply mul(3,5) = 15 mul(7,3) = 21 10) Djikstra's GCD algorithm gcd(a, b) -> a if a==b gcd(a, b) -> gcd(a-b, a) if a > b 11) IsPalindrome (bonus) isPalindrome("abba") = true isPalindrome("fred") = false isPalindrome("") = true and does not crash