The Dollar Assignment

You shall write a program that can do to-the-penny math.  It shall use a class implementing this idea.
Your program shall use operator overloading.
You get one point for each commented group from the main() below that could class can support.
You get one point for using assert().
You lose one point after Mon Feb 23, and and a second after Wed Feb 25th.
This program is out of seven points.

    // The null constructor
    Dollar a;

    // A float constructor
    Dollar b(12.60), c(1.00);

    // Addition
    a = b + c;
    a = b + a;

    // Writing to cout
    cout << "This should be 26.20" << a << endl;

    // Multiplication
    a = b * 3;
    cout << "This should be 37.80" << a;

    // Subtraction
    Dollar x(1.50);
    Dollar y(0.90);
    Dollar z;
    z = x - y;
    cout << "This should be 0.60" << z;