Make a linked list class that has the following methods: void add(int item) -- which adds an item to the list l.add(12); void delete(int item) -- which deletes an item from the list l.delete(12); bool search(int item) -- which returns true of false depending on the item's presence. if ( .... operator+= -- A synonym for add l += 12; operator<< Used to print the list cout << l << endl; You get 1,000,000 points for each item above. You get another 1,000,000 points if you keep the list always in sorted order, and your search knows when to stop. This one is the hardest points. You get another 1,000,000 points if you compute the sum of the numbers in the list both iteratively and recursively. You get another 500,000 points if you come up with some clever thing no one else claims. You get another 1,000,000 points for turning it in by Monday Oct 26th. DUE WEDNESDAY Oct 28th. Total = 8,500,000 points. Its OK to get 7,000,000 points. Hint: