You shall read the associated text file. For every word you read, either print "added" or print "duplicate". Points Task 10 Can read the words 10 Can add the words to the linked list 10 Print "duplicate" instead of adding duplicates 10 You have a linked list class with a printTheList method that prints everything in the list 10 You keep the list in sorted order 30 Can sing "Joxer the Mighty" to the class before class 10 You have a linked list class with a search method the returns a bool 10 You have a linked list class with an insert method that adds to the list -5 Works except for any one word -5 Turned in after Tuesday Oct 13th at 4pm -5 Turned in after Thursday Oct 15th at 4pm ----- 100 Points I expect only a few students to get the sorted order points. That's there to challenge the bored students.