Your assignment is to make a linked list class. It should verify that my random number generator never repeats. Basically, every time my random number generator produces a number, check to see if it's in the list. If so print an error, otherwise insert the number and try again. My random number generator should be able to do many numbers before producing a repeat. 10 points -- Can insert ints into a linked list 10 points -- Can tell if there is a duplicate 10 points -- Can keep the list in ordered fashion 10 points -- Has a destructor 05 points -- Your list has an overloaded ostream operator 'cout <<" 05 points -- Your list has an operator[] 05 points -- Your list can print itself 05 points -- Your list uses only one class. 05 points -- Your list can do 100,000 inserts per second -3 points -- Every day after Wed Mar 30th