You shall make a room tempurature simulator.

There shall be a window that is zero degrees.
There shall be a heater that is 1000 degrees.
The walls shall be 70 degrees.
Each other space will be the average of it's four neighbors.
You shall print a "." fo every space below 50 degrees.
You shall print a "-" for every space between 50 and 80 degrees.
You shall run this a number of times.
You shall clear the screen between each iteration.
You should be able to run at any reasonable size array.
You should use an object.  I made the room be an object.

You get one point for every item above.  You shall loose a point  on Friday Monring, Feb 18th and another point on Wednesday morning, Feb 23rd.

My array is floats from of size 0 ... 20.  My space heater is at (size-2, size-2).  I get the following answer.  It took me 74 lines of code to do all this.

Iter = 49