Your assignment is to make a program that can tell if a word is correctly spelled. A word is correctly spelled if it can be found in the file /usr/share/dict/words. Your program shall start by loading the file /usr/share/dict/words into a linked list. Then your program will wait for the user to type on the keyboard. Every word the user types shall be checked upon the linked list. If the word is found say "yes" else print the words from the dictionary that comes before and after they searched for word. For example, if the user types "aree" you should print "Word not found: Between areas and arena". 10,000 points -- can read the file 10,000 points -- Can load it into a linked list 10,000 points -- Linked list is in alpha order 10,000 points -- Can determine if the word exists 10,000 points -- Can print the word before and after 10,000 points -- Turned in before April 13th at 5pm