Iterators * Load the dictionary using a vector. * Load it using a list. * Print it forwards (every 10th word). * Print it backwards (every 10th word). * Print the 10,000th word. * Sort it into ignore-case order using something like this: Extra Credit: * Tell me the longest word where the letters of the word are in alphebetic order. Examples: ads ghost biopsy Fraction * Make a constructor * Make a set method that takes two ints, and creates a fraction. * Make an add method that takes a *Fraction as a parameter, and changes the current fraction to be the total of that one plus this one. * Make a reduce method that reduces a fraction to simplest form. * Make a toString method that converts a fraction into a string. * Overload ostream like this: Extra Credit: * Overload the istream operator. I should be able to type in "1 / 6" for the fraction one-sixth. See DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!! DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!! DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!! DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!! DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!! DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!! DUE WEDNESDAY!!!!!