Add the items. Does the list contain a 42. Print backwards. Go over problems. Discuss for loops. Break. Compare effeciency of loops and recursion. Quiz Friday. Image compresion Lossy vs Lossless Show web page How to compress Less blue Omit fine detail run-encode Video Compression copy-rotate-scale from previous frame deltas from previous frame new frame plus image stuff What is a bitmap worst format ever Worst than gif or png or jpg Show Wiki Mike's code static methods in header!!! unsigned char load (notice the &) Follow the code, use the wiki pixel value (assumes 4 byte ints) Cannot just divide by two to get half brighness Could set to 0 or 0b00000000111111111111111111111111 extractInt (notice | and <<) compare with casting big ending vs little endian Weird how the array is made Triangle arrays odd structured arrays