Class Email List

Mon Apr 25 -- File I/O Examples.
Fri Apr 8 -- More inheritance. Virtual functions. Sizeof on objects. Diamond inheritence. Interfaces.
Mon Apr 4th -- A New Spell Checker(tm).
Mon Mar 26 -- File IO and More file stuff and The Dictionary Assignment.
Mon Mar 20 -- The first linked list assignment.
Mon Mar 14 -- Linked lists Wed Mar 2 -- Lab day.
Mon Feb 28 --
The array assignment and Operator overloading.
Fri Feb 19 -- Big honkin test!!
Wed Feb 17 -- Review for TEST!!
Mon Feb 14 -- simulator in java and more set stuff.
Fri Feb 11 -- The Dollar Homework and the Operator Overloading.
Mon Jan 24 -- Arrays of characters.
Fri Jan 21 -- C++ cheatsheet and The Sieve of Erastosthenes.
Mon Jan 17 -- Go over begining c++ programming.