Mon Aug 24 -- Syllabus stuff,
including how to turn in programs. Meet neighbors. Define cheating.
Late policy. What assignments will look like. Install visual studio
1) copy iso. 2) click on iso. 3) click on exe. 4) Install (5
minutes). 5) Geet registration key (maybe need microsoft account
first). Remember, it's a "Visual C++ CLR Console Application".
Compare Java and C++ Hello worlds at
Show off debugger. Count down from 10 .. 1 using recursion.
Aug 26 – Variables. Types. For loops. While loops. Functions.
Practice using debugger. Drawing an Xmas tree.
Fri Aug 28 –
a file to the screen. Copy
a file
Mon Aug 31 – The palindrome
assignment. What is a palindrome. File
I/O. How to determine palindrome-hood. Getline.
The reverse
iterator. Or append.
Wed Sep 1 – Lab day.
Thr Sep 3 – Lab day.
Wed Sep
9 –
Arrays sizes. Vectors.
Binary search a function for zero. Newton's
method. Binary search an array. Recursion vs iterative. Binary
search of an unsorted array. Exponential search.
Mon Sep 14 –
lists. Vectors. Comparing their run time and features. Loops.
Auto variables.
Wed Sep 16 – Load the dictionary using a
vector. Load it using a list. Print it forwards (every 10th
word). Print it backwards (every 10th word). Print the
10,000th word. Sort it into ignore-case order using
something like this:
Mon Sep 28 -- Assignment.Time overloading example. What can be overloaded. Order of operation. Tutorial #1. Tutorial #2.
Fri Oct 2 – New Asignment. How to make a class in Visual
Studio. Why are there *.h and *.c files. Public vs Private. That dang
semicolon. New returns a pointer. (pointers vs things. Hey, → arrow
syntax. When is it a * and when is it an arrow.