CS 201

Mon Aug 24 -- Syllabus stuff, including how to turn in programs. Meet neighbors. Define cheating. Late policy. What assignments will look like. Install visual studio http://philos.nmu.edu/Repository. 1) copy iso. 2) click on iso. 3) click on exe. 4) Install (5 minutes). 5) Geet registration key (maybe need microsoft account first). Remember, it's a "Visual C++ CLR Console Application". Compare Java and C++ Hello worlds at http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS201/CodeExamples/HelloWorld/. Show off debugger. Count down from 10 .. 1 using recursion.
Wed Aug 26 – Variables. Types. For loops. While loops. Functions. Practice using debugger. Drawing an Xmas tree.
Fri Aug 28 – Print a file to the screen. Copy a file
Mon Aug 31 – The palindrome assignment. What is a palindrome. File I/O. How to determine palindrome-hood. Getline. Strings. The reverse iterator. Or append.
Wed Sep 1 – Lab day.
Thr Sep 3 – Lab day.
Wed Sep 9 – http://www.sololearn.com/. Arrays sizes. Vectors. (tutorial1) (tutorial2). Binary search a function for zero. Newton's method. Binary search an array. Recursion vs iterative. Binary search of an unsorted array. Exponential search.
Mon Sep 14 – lists. Vectors. Comparing their run time and features. Loops. Auto variables.
Wed Sep 16 – Load the dictionary using a vector. Load it using a list. Print it forwards (every 10th word). Print it backwards (every 10th word). Print the 10,000th word. Sort it into ignore-case order using something like this: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/ DUE MONDAY!!!!
Mon Sep 28 -- Assignment.Time overloading example. What can be overloaded. Order of operation. Tutorial #1. Tutorial #2.
Fri Oct 2 – New Asignment. How to make a class in Visual Studio. Why are there *.h and *.c files. Public vs Private. That dang semicolon. New returns a pointer. (pointers vs things. Hey, → arrow syntax. When is it a * and when is it an arrow.

Mon Oct 11 -- Binky the pointer movie. What is a pointer? What is an address? *, &, and ->. Pointers have a type! Mixing and matching types. Casting. Pointer math. Pointers and arrays. Fri Oct 23 -- Templates. Assert. More templates.
Wed Nov 4 -- Queue and template example.
Mon Nov 9 -- PNG and bytes and bits.
Mon Dec 16 -- JPG. Decoding a wav file.
Mon Nov 30 -- Loops, arrays, and pointers.
Fri Dec 4 -- final review and final exam from 2009.