1) Suppose a whole bunch of monkeys line up and throw poo at a rhino from the trees.  What should the
rhino do?

2) The function main returns an int.  Write a line of code that ends main and returns the value '12'.

3) Suppose I want to say the line below.  Which file should I include?
        assert(a > 0 && 1/a > 0);

4) (Yes/No) Is there any possibility of getting a 'divide-by-zero' error on the assert line above?

5) What will the line below print.  Be VERY PICKY and put ONE CHAR per blank space.
        cout << "\"Hello\"\nworld\n";
           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6) What is the value of 'a' after this code runs?  What is the type of 'a'?
    double a = 1/2+3/4+5/6+7;
    value _____________________
    type  _____________________

7) How do Rhinos make babies
        A very large stork
        Behind closed doors
        Rhinos come onto the planet fully grown

9) Assuming that c is a char, i is an int, d is a double, s is a short and f is a float, which of the
lines below will compile as written?
     c = i;           i = c;                 d = i;
     d = i;           i = f;                  d = f;
      f = i;           i = s;                 d = c;

10) Recall the fraction object we worked on in class.  Given that class, will the following lines of code
     Fraction f;
     f = (Fraction)1.2;

11) How many bytes are needed to store the string "12345"?
    a) Five
    b) Some other number

12) How closely are rhinos and triceratops related?
    Very, they are both horned grazers animals way too large for a preditor to eat.
    Not, birds are more closely related to tricaratops than rhinos.

13) I want to read a single char from cin.  Which of these lines should work?
    char c = cin.get();
    char c = cin.getch();
    char c = cin.getchar();
    char c;  cin >> c;

14) (Word/Line/File) Consider the code below.  Does the loop iterate once per word, per line, or per file?
     char buffer[100];
     while (cin >> buffer) {
        cout << "I'm iterating\n";

15) Write me a line of code that prints the number contained in thre variable 'a' to the stream cin.  It
should also print 'coconuts' starting on the 12th space.
Sample output might be "12.4567    coconuts".  Note that output has 4 spaces.  Also note that 'a' contains
a random floating point value.

16) You have a file already opened for input.  Unfortunately for you the Venusians are launching
antimatter bombs.  Luckily your computer is in a Martian built shielded.  Unluckily the file resides on a
hard drive without shielding.  Write code that prints "Dang Venus" if and only if the file stream is no
longer available for reading.

17) Which of the following lines of code will compile.  Assume that i is a pointer to int, c is a pointer
to char and d is a pointer to double.
     i = c;                     i = *i;                     *d = *c;
     i = d;                     c = *c;                   *d= *i;
     c = d;                    d = *d;                   *d = *d;

18) At the end of this code, where does 'p' point?

    char *c = new char[10];
    int *p = (int *)c;
    p = p + 10;

19) Back before Columbus, why were there no rhinos in the New World?
        Ancient humans hunted them to extinction
        Rhinos have no denfense against wolves
        A complete inabilty to swim major oceans

20) Write me a signature for the function operator+ of the class Rhino as invoked below.
    Rhino r1,r2,r3;
    r3 = r1 + r2;

21) (Rhino/Hippo) Which has a larger large intestine, a rhino or a hippo?

22) (Yes/No)  Does C++ give you a default operator=?

23) (Yes/No) Does C++ give you a default no argument contructor?

24) What is the difference between a deep and a shallow copy?

25) I have a class Time, which stores things in hours-minutes-seconds format.  How many function
invocations might happen in the the lines below?
      Min _____________
      Max ____________
      Time t1(1,2,3);
      Time t2(6,7,8);
      Time t3;
      t3 = t1 - t2;

26) The variable 'r' is a Rhine and 'a' is an Animal.  Rhino inherits from Animal.  Which of the lines
below should compile.
      r = a;
      a = r;

27) Suppose I want to add an element to an unordered linked list containing a bazillion elements.  How
long will this take
        About a bazillion time units
        About half a bazillion time units
        About sqrt(bazillion) time units
        About log(bazillion) time unites
        Dang quick

28) Suppose I want to binary search for an element in a bazillion sized array.  How long will this take.
        About a bazillion time units
        About half a bazillion time units
        About sqrt(bazillion) time units
        About log(bazillion) time unites
        Dang quick

29) (Yes/No) Can one reasonably binary search on an ordered linked list?

30) Why don't rhinos fly in planes?
        Inadaquate bathroom facilities for rhino special needs
        Difficult to start the engines without fingers