The CS 201 Test of Joy

0) Is your name on the test?
    NO, I want a zero.
    Yes, I want a grade
    Yes, but I fear #3 is a trick question.

1) Why do we like Joy?
    Because it makes us happy
    Because it makes me sad
    For the music

2) What does this code print?
    float f = 1/2+3;
    cout << f;

3) Please declare me a variable named 'happy' that is a pointer to a double?

4) Assume the class smile has overloaded the '*'', '+', and '=' operators and that 'x' and 'y' and 'z' are all of class smile.  Which operator is the first to be called on the code below?
    z = x + y * z;

5) Assume that both classes overload the '+' and '=' operator.  Which class's '+' operator will be called below.
    clown c;
    giggle g;
    c = g + c;

6) Write me a do-while loop that prints the numbers 19,16,13,10,7, and 4.

7) What does this code print?
    int a = 1, b = 2, *c, *d;
    c = &a;
    d = &b;
    *c = 3;
    *d = 4;
    cout << a;

8) What does this code print?
    char *c = "I am always happy and never sad.  People like me";
    cout << c+3;

9) What does this code print?
    char *c = "Life is good and the world is sweet";
    cout << *(c+2);

10) How many bytes are needed to store the string "joy"?
    some other number

You may get up to 10 points total on these programs.  You may not get more than 10 points.
You get an extra point above the total listed below for the first of your programs that uses an assert command.

(10 points) Write a program that reads a words and decides if it is the same forwards and backwards.  It says "yes" to 'abba' and no to 'laugh'.  It must use pointers and not array indexing.
(9 points) Write a program that reads an integer, adds one to it, and prints the result backwards.
(7 points) Write a program that reads a words and decides if it is the same forwards and backwards.  It says "yes" to 'abba' and no to 'laugh'.
(6 points) Write a program that reads a word and prints the number of vowels.  It must use pointers and not array indexing.
(6 points) Add operator+= with a Set as an argument to
(4 points) Add operator+ with a float argument to
(4 points) Write a program that reads a word and prints the number of vowels. 
(3 points) Write a program that uses the sizeof operator to print the number of bytes needed to store an int, and float, a double and a long.
(3 points) Write me a program that reads a word and prints it backwards.  It must use pointers.
(2 points) Write a program that computes and prints the sum of the numbers 1 .... 1000.
(2 points) Write me a program that reads a word and prints it backwards.  It must use pointers.