Files 1) Make a function that returns true/false depending if the given filename represents an empty file. cout << boolalpha << isEmpty("c:\\Users\\rappleto\") << endl; 2) Make a function that changes a file to have exactly zero bytes. The file remains, it's just emptied of all data. You may assume the file already exists. resetFile("c:\\Users\\rappleto\\"); 3) Print the last byte of the file. Only the last byte. YOU CANNOT READ THE WHOLE FILE! Recursion (no loops allowed) 1) Does the string contain anything except 'q'? nonQ("qqqqqqqqqqqq") is false nonQ("qqqqqqqZqqqq") is true nonQ("") is false nonQ("q") is false nonQ("s") is true 2) Return every other letter of the string argument. other("aabbccddee") is "abcde" other("123456789") is "13579" other("q") is "q" other("") is "" 3) Is the string in alphabetic order? Return true/false order("abcd") is true order("dcba") is false order("aaaaab") is true order("abcdefga") is false order("") is true order("a") is true order("dhqz") is true order("dgaz") is false Printing 1) Read a nunber. Print it with either a leading +, or a leading -. Zero gets a +. 2) Read a number. Print it in scientific notation. Examples: 1 -> 1.00000e+00 314159 -> 3.14159e05