Files 1) Put exactly 10 'q's into a file. When done, it should be exactly 10 bytes long. Right click on the file and check the properties of the file for a size of 10 bytes. 2) Print the 100th character of the file. 3) Print every line of the file that starts with the letter 'q', and not the others. Recursion 1) Print 'n' letter 'q's. manyQ(3) -> "qqq" manyQ(12) -> "qqqqqqqqqqqq"; manyQ(0) -> "" manyQ(1) -> "q" manyQ(4) -> "qqqq" 2) Return every third letter of the string argument. other("aaabbbcccdddeee") is "abcde" other("123456789") is "147" other("qut") is "q" other("q") is "q" other("") is "" 3) Return log_base_2 of the input number. This is the same as "how many times can you divide by two rounding down before you get to 1". You cannot use the built in log fuctions. logbase2(1) is 0 logbase2(2) is 1 logbase2(3) is 1 logbase2(4) is 2 logbase2(5) is 2 logbase2(10) is 3 logbase2(23) is 4 3) Return the first 'a' or 'e' in the input argument. There will always be at least one 'a' or an 'e'. first("hey there") is "e" first("are you OK?") is "a" first("quiet") is "e" first("quackery") is "a" Printing 1) Read an integer 1... 1000. Print it with a decimal and some trailing zeros. I'm flexible on how many zeros. Examples: 3 -> 3.0000 15 -> 15.000 2) Read an integer. Print it in hex with a leading 0x. Example: 12345678 -> 0xbc614e