Randy Appleton
JXJ 2214
This class assumes you already know how to program, and then teaches you how to program in C++. We will emphasize the object model. We will be creating larger programs than in CS 120/CS122, and they will use more complex algorithms. .
Grades are assigned from programs (50%), test and quizes (25%), and a final (25%). There might be a quiz at the end of week or two (generally pre-announced). Each quiz counts for very little towards the total grade. Hopefully the quizzes will let you know how you are doing while there is still time to change it, and let me know what subject areas I need to review. ALWAYS TURN IN PROGRAMS, even in late.
I hate late assignments!!! However, it is much better to turn something in late rather than not at all. The late penalty depends on the assignment, the lateness, and the reason. If there was some unavoidable reason you could not turn a project in on time (i.e. airplane crash, earthquake, etc.) just ask me to waive the penalty. I'm pretty lenient.
The web page for this class is euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS201. You will find my notes, example programs, and other stuff in there. All assignments will be posted there.
If you copy more than 3 lines of code from any source without
citing the source, that will likely be cause for an F for the class.
Please cite any help you got with a comment in your code. THIS
INCLUDES Stackoverflow and ChatGPT!
// from
// Worked with Jane on this part
Don't give a copy of your code to someone else so they can understand how to do the problem. Don't work on it together and then turn in the same code.
If you have a need for
disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the
Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office
at 1104 of the University Center (227-1700; TTY 227-1543).
Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided
to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate
documentation, in accordance with federal, state and University