Write a Python program that deletes all the files in \\Users\\rappleto\\Desktop\\Death. It should ask the human before deleting each file. Steps: 1) Make a directory. Put some files in it. 2) Make a program that lists each file in the directory. 3) For each file, ask the user if they want to delete it? 4) When you like all this, add the os.remove() to your program. 5) Don't forget to re-test the program, you will need to re-add files to the directory. This took me 10 lines of code. Example program output: Would you like to delete \Users\rappleto\Desktop\Death\die.txt? y Deleting \Users\rappleto\Desktop\Death\die.txt Would you like to delete \Users\rappleto\Desktop\Death\kill-me.txt.txt? n Skipping \Users\rappleto\Desktop\Death\kill-me.txt.txt