Print Stuff 1) Print the number 3.1415 2) Print the word "Dead Parrot". For loop examples .. 1) Make a program that prints 1...10 including both the 1 and the 10. 2) Make a program that prints 10 .. 1 backwards including both the 10 and the 1. 3) Make a program that say "I love the number X" for x goes from 2 .. 7 including the 2 and the 7. If Statement examples 1) Ask for a number. If the number is more than 5 say "To high". 2) Ask for a number. If the number is more than 5 say "To high". Otherwise say "To low". 3) Ask for a number. If the number is more than 5 say "To high". If the number is less than zero so "Don't be so negative". Otherwise say "middle ground". Challenge Problem 1) Ask for a number. If you're confident, make a list of the factors. Otherwise, print everything that is a factor of that number. For example, if someone inputs 120 you say 2 is a factor 3 is a factor 5 is a factor 6 is a factor 10 is a factor 12 is a factor 15 is a factor ... 2) Ask for a word. Count the number of 'a's and 'A's in the word. For Abracadabra say 5. 3) Ask for a number 'n'. Print a triangle with 'n' lines. This is a triangle with N=4 * ** *** **** 4) Same, but now the triangle has a different shape: * ** *** ****