Pick a random web page. Tell me the most common words. * Can download the web page. See https://programminghistorian.org/en/lessons/working-with-web-pages * Can get a count of every word used. See http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS202/Count-Digits-or-Letters/ * Can filter only the words. A word is anything that matches the regular expression [A-Za-z]+ See https://towardsdatascience.com/a-very-easy-tutorial-to-learn-python-regular-expression-re-c42fbbc01ef2 * Can print the ten most common words Sorting is shown at the bottom of http://euclid.nmu.edu/~rappleto/Classes/CS202/Count-Digits-or-Letters/count-letters.py * Can make a bar chart of the ten most common words https://www.delftstack.com/howto/plotly/plotly-bar-chart/ Due on the last class day! No late programs!!