There is a sailor. He stands in the middle of an NxN pier. If N is an odd number, round down. For example, he stands in the middle of a 5x5 pier, at (2,2). Or he stands in the middle of an 8x8 pier, at (4,4). Every second, he takes on step in a cardinal, random direction. No diaganals. So if he's at (4,4) he might end up at (3,4),(5,4),(4,3) or (4,5). How many seconds on average does it take for him to fall of the pier? My code says Pier Size Number of Steps Pier Size Number of Steps 1 1.0 2 2.006 3 4.392 4 6.623 5 10.709 6 13.914 7 19.57 8 22.798 9 29.398 10 35.451 11 42.256 12 49.965 13 58.549 14 64.213 15 71.08 16 86.193 17 94.714 18 105.778 19 117.45 20 129.006 21 148.863 22 153.378 23 169.967 24 179.62 25 200.02 26 215.258 27 233.548 28 245.133 29 259.873 30 275.964 31 312.246 32 327.015 33 338.329 34 376.462 35 394.458 36 395.286 37 414.64 38 439.459 39 455.921 40 507.465 41 509.563 42 550.057 43 585.067 44 591.143 45 625.037 46 634.699 47 678.792 48 730.647 49 749.269 Points: 25 - Can simulate one sailor one time. 30 - Can get an average for 1,000 sailors for one pier size. 30 - Can produce a table of averages for many pier sizes. 1 - Prints the table at least as nice as shown above. 7 - Can draw a graph 7 - Can fit a best-fit line ------ 100 - Total