Do SIX of these, including at least ONE graph ONE hard ONE search ONE correlation Only do them all if you're having fun! Basketball ---------- (1 GRAPH ) Make a graph of home score vs away score (not team_score vs opponent_score). Label axis and give the graph a title. (2) What is the average home field advantage? That is avg(home team score ) - avg(away team score) (3) How often does the home team win (in %) (4 CORRELATION) Do games with more attendence have higher or lower scores? I.E. is the correlation between total score and attendence positive or negative. (5 HARD) Which team is highest scoring (per game or total)? Fortune 500 ------------------- (1 GRAPH SEARCH) Graph Make a graph of Revenue vs Employees. But get rid of Walmart first. Label axis and give the graph a title. (2 HARD) Which companies have more revenue per employee, "Aerospace and Defense" or "Technology"? (3 SEARCH) How many companies did not make a profit? (4 GRAPH HARD) Make a bar chart showing the total revenue by companies of "Aerospace & Defense". There are 12 such companies. (5 GRAPH HARD ) Make a bar chart showing the total revenue per Sector. For example, total revenue by "Energy" companies, by "Technology" companies, etc. MPG ------------- (1 GRAPH) Draw a graph of MPG vs weight. Label axis and give the graph a title. (2 SEARCH) What is the heaviest car in the whole data set? (3 GRAPH HARD) Draw a 3D graph of horsepower vs weight vs acceleration. (4 SEARCH) What engine produces the most horsepower per displacement? (5 CORRELATION) How much does an extra hundred pounds of car weight reduce your gas milage? I.E. Make a correlcation of the form MPG = A * WEIGHT + B. Your answer is 100 * A.