Mon Aug 27 -- Assignment #1. syllabus. Install PyCharm (community, free edition). Tutorial. Download Python. First Programs.
Wed Aug 29 -- Python lists
Thr Aug 30 -- Remind HW1. Python functions.
Wed Sep 05 -- How to do the last problem in Python. Math on lists + - * /. sqrt. Slices and Slices #2.
Mon Sep 09 -- HW. Hi_Low the computer guesses. Find the solution to a function. Dunken Walk
Thr Sep 12 -- How to Open a file and Split a string and Remove a trailing space. What is a float. How to sort a list of lists
Mon Sep 15 -- How to find the smallest of a data file. How to find the smallest of the second column of a data file.
Wed Sep 17 -- How to copy a file. How to copy the first N lines of a file. How to copy based on column #1. How to copy based on column #2. How to just copy column #2. How to write a sorted version. Look at othr people's HW.
Thr Sep 18 -- Finish Assignment #2.
Wed Sep 26 -- Class Assignment
Thr Sep 27 -- Operator Overloading
Mon Oct 08 -- What is Jupyter? Jupyter on the web Cool Jupyter demo. Kernel commands. Order of execuation. Restarting. Save and load. Plotly api signupHow to use the API key .
Wed Oct 10 -- Make sure everyone can Jupyter. Installing jupyter on your laptop. Start pyplot tutorial. plt.plot plt.axis. plt.legend.
Thr Oct 11 -- Numpy. pandas.read_csv. np.sin(np_array). np_array + 10. np.arange(star, stop, step). Numpy and plotlib.
Fri Oct 12 -- Best fit line. Draw me pretty graphs and find the correlation for data.
Mon Oct 15 -- Jupyter assignment. Running matplotlib not in jupyter.
Mon Oct 22 -- Pandas from clipboard and xls Dictionaries tutorial and Sort a dictionary Sets.
Thr Oct 25 -- Regex tester and Regex patterns and Regex tutorial Regex one page cheat sheet and Python regex tutorial and Python regex tutorial 2
. Tur Oct 30 -- Regex
Thr Nov 15 -- Python and SQL.
Mon Nov 26 -- Tweet analysis. SQL stuff. Create table. SQL Types. Joins. Nested Queries. SQL questions.
Wed Nov 28 -- Random Forest Classifier Random Forests and Decision Trees.
Fri Dec 8 -- Review for the final exam.