1) What does this code print? def secret(a, b=2): return a + a + 2 print(secret(10)) 2) What does this code print? def secret2(l): return l[3] print(secret2(20,40,60,80]) 3) What does this code print? def secret3(a): count = 0 while a > 0: a = a - 10; count = count + 1 return count print(secret3(1)) 4) What does this code print? Hint: This code has a bug! This might be trickey!!!! def hasSeven(l): for item in l: if item == 7: return True else: return False print(hasSeven([1,7,2,7,3,7]) # #Make me a function that returns one more than it's argument. # # print("this should print 4") num = oneMore(3) print(num) print("this should print 17") num = oneMore(16) print(num) # Make a function that says True if the first argument is bigger than the second, # and False otherwise print("This should say False") x = firstBigger(1,10) print(x) print("This should say True") x = firstBigger(4,2) print(x) # Make a function that says True/False if the list contains the word "tree" print("This should say False") x = hasTree(["I", "love", "pizza"]) print(x) print("This should say True") x = hasTree(["Tree", "be", "awesome"]) print(x) # (One point) Make a function that counts the number of items less than 10 # -or- # (Half Point) Make a function that counts the number of items in the list print("This should say 4 or 5") x = countThem([1,2,11,2,5]) print(x) print("This should say 0 or 1") x = countThem([11]) print(x)