Syllabus for CS 202 -- Python Randy Appleton 2214 JXJ Intro CS 202 is a class for people who want to learn to write easy Python programs. I will assume you've never coded before but have basic computer literacy skills. If you've been programming for years or are still trying to figure out this "mouse" thing please come see me. You are welcome to eat and drink in class. It's OK to be somewhat silly in class. Playing video games or IMing in class is not allowed. There will be many homeworks. These will be worth 25% of the final grade. There will be two midterms, each with 25%, and a final worth 25%. There might be quizes, which will count for little. I might adjust these number. This is my starting outline for the class. But it might change a lot. Installing the IDE (PyCharm) Basic Python Variables Floats Strings Math + - * / % The inaccuracy of floating point numbers If Statements if and else and elif boolean operators like ==, >, and >= "and", "or", and "not" Loops For loop Using a list Using range while loops Easy methods Making a function using 'def' return values Arguments GUI Stuff Making a window Buttons Placing button on the screen with grid layout Having the button do something when you click Other objects Labels that change when you click the button Things that change color when you click the button Data structures Lists Accessing each element with [] sorting a list using sort Adding to the front and back of the list Checking membership with "in" Sets Adding new elements Removing elements Checking membership with "in" Objects What is an object Using an object I give you Making an object Accessing it's methods Making your own object Projects My hope is that you get your pick. Video game. Data science. Anything cool is cool with me (but I do have standards :-) CHEATING It's very OK (and encouraged) to talk to other people about how to solve problems. It's OK to look at other people's code. It's very OK to get help. It's OK (and expected) that people will look stuff up on the web. It's NOT OK to copy more than 3 lines of code from the web without attributing it. It's NOT OK to copy more than 3 lines of code from another person without attributing it. If it's attributed it's OK (but I might ask you to do more work if there is alot of such code). You can attribute code like this ... # Found this on # Worked with Jane Doe on this part Also, you have to follow the rules of the student handbook. The penalty of cheating is probably an F for the semester. DISABILITY SERVICES If you have a need for disability-related accommodations or services, please inform the Coordinator of Disability Services in the Disability Services Office at 1104 of the University Center (227-1700; TTY 227-1543). Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if requests are made in a timely manner, with appropriate documentation, in accordance with federal, state and University guidelines