CS 228 -- Network Programming Class

Wed Jan 17 -- Syllabus stuff. First day stuff. How to install WSL and compile using it. Visual Studio Code. How to Visual Studio Code with WSL. How to compile our client/server using Windows subsystem for Linux. How the internet works.
Fri Jan 19 -- Assignment #1.What is a socket? What is a port number? read and write. Detecting errors. c++-strings vs arrays of char.
Mon Jan 22 -- Ethernet and Aloha ad stuff.
Fri Jan 26 -- Programs to review. What is a router vs hub? Ethernet packet format.
Wed Feb 7 -- Calculate time-to-send. IP. Djikstras. Ford.
Mon Feb 19 -- Video of ME on email.. Review Djikstra and Ford. Go over BGP.
Wed Fab 21 -- Work on assignment.
Mon Feb 26 -- Google spam stuff and Sender Prefered Framework and how to send and read from Euclid.nmu.edu and review routing and BGP and go over IP packet format
Wed Feb 28 -- Review for quiz
Thr Feb 29 -- Quiz
Fri Mar 1 -- Help people with code!
Mon Mar 11 -- QUIZ
Wed Mar 13 -- HTTP.
Wed Mar 20 -- Read and write do not honor boundries. Selling your browser history NSA does it! -> The Man in the Middle Attack -> Why symetric encryption is not the answer -> Public Key Encryption -> (Picture) RSA -> Digital signatures -> Certificates (X509.) (Buying a cert)-> HTTPS -> OpenSSL.
Mon Mar 25 -- Stop and Wait or Ping pong protocol. Sliding window protocol. Selective Repeat.
Wed Apr 10 -- Fri Apr 14 -- How to return multiple values from a function in c++ and Waitpid and Locking a file in c++ and flock and Failing to get a fd from an fstream Seriously and A possible solution and Flock.cc.
Mon Apr 15 -- Telnet via fork and Poll system call and dumbet web filter ever.
Wed Apr 24 -- Final exam review.