Syllabus and Grading Stuff
        What we learn
                How to program network apps
                Networking theory
                Attacking people's networks
        Class format
                Alternating programming and theory
                Lots of programming
        The class web site
                Links to useful stuff
                How to compute your grade
                Mailing grades
                Late policy
               	Windows Subsystem for Linux
                Programming in C++ skills
                Not how networks work
                Not how to program nework applications

Methods of sending Data
        Data goes via changes in voltages/light
        Everyone has their own wire
        Share the wire by frequency
        Share the wire by time

Quick Overview of Networking (theory section)
        A network has many hosts connected by links
                Each one is best effort, not guarenteed success
                The entire network is not known by ANYONE
                Hosts and links goup or down at random and no one has the
                        list of working and broken stuff.
                Every host has an IP number (and sometimes a DNS hostname).
                The IP number matters, the hostname less so.
        Data is divided into packets
                This is different than the old phone company
                Someimes the data is just one packet
        The data gets sent on the first link, which forwards it....
        Sometimes an ack is sent back

Cute Demos
        Map of michnet here.
	Map of undersea cables at
Picture of undersea cable Cross section. Boat1 and Boat2.
Gigapop at Inside a gigapop picture.
Tracepath Tracepath Tracepath Ping Sending fake mail