0) My network can transmit at 3 megabits/second. My packet is 4 kilobytes long. The one way latency is 5 milliseconds. How long does it take for the packet to arrive?

Write formula

TTS = latency + size/bandwidth

TTS = 5 milliseconds + (4 kilobytes / (3 megabits/seconds))

convert everything to milliseconds

3 megabits / second * 0.001 = 0.003 megabits/milliseconds

convert everything to bytes

0.003 megabits/millisecond = 3 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 393.216 bytes / millisecond

4 kilobytes = 4 * 1024 = 4096 bytes

Rewrite formula

TTS = latency + size / bandwidth

TTS = 5 milliseconds + 4096 byes / (393.216 bytes/millisecond)

TTS = 15.4 milliseconds

1) My network can transmit at 1 kilobits/millisecond. My packet is 100 kilobits long. The one way latency is 5 milliseconds. How long does it take for the packet to arrive?

2) My network can transmit at 3 megabits/second. My packet is 4 kilobytes long. The one way latency is 5 milliseconds. How long does it take for the packet to arrive?

3) My network can transmit at 100 megabytes/second. My packet is 4 megabytes long. The one way latency is 5 seconds. How long does it take for the packet to arrive?

4) My network can transmit at 1 gigabits/second. My packet is 64 kilobytes long. The one way latency is 0.001 seconds. How long does it take for the packet to arrive?