Make a server that multiple people can use to chat. This is basically IRC. For a client ... just use telnet or your client. telnet euclid 12345 When one person types, the rest should see it. Poll man page: Example poll code: Points Feature 50 Everyone can talk. Uses poll. 10 The "name" command works. Every chatter's messages have a name associated with it. 10 The quit command works. When a person quits, a message is broadcast saying the person is logged of. Then the connection is closed. 10 File transfer! You can send a file to/from the server. 3 There is a whisper command. 3 There is a kill-that-dude command. 3 Can cause Macintosh computers to crash on command. 3 There is a status command that lists current users. 3 Logging all messages. 3 Change font color. Look up "xterm color" 5 Expandable data structs (arrays or linked lists grow) -30 Killing any client kills the server. Test this. -30 Don't make me mad. -30 Lots of duplicate code. -500 Fork bomb the server This is out of 75 points. Maximum 80 points. Minus 5 points per day after due date of Wed Apr 25th at 4pm. Zero points when the final is given.