Your mission is to write a server that prints the current date and time, and then one second later does it again, forever. It should handle mutliple clients. You must use fork(). Every time a client connects, you should fork off a child to handle that connection. The child should send the current time and date to the client, sleep one second, and repeat. The parent should go await more connections. You can get the current date like this: You can print into a char array using sprintf(outputArray, someFormatString, someVariables ...). Example: char output[100]; int a = 1; char *name = "steve"; sprintf(output, "%s is %d years old", name, a); You can wait one second by using sleep. See "man 3 sleep". Points: Accepts one client Accepts more than one client Accepts mor than one client at a time Prints the date Sleeps Turned in before Mon Feb 23th at 4:15pm Turned in before Fri Feb 26th at 4:15pm