Your mission is to make a client program to go with the server I provide. You client should - Connect to the server - If error, print and exit - Send a line of text - If error, print and exit - Receive a line of reply if error, print and exit - Exit Once that is working, make a client that can send and recieve multiple lines of text like this ... - Connect to the server - If error, print and exit - While (1 == 1) - Send a line of text - If error, print and exit - Receive a line of reply if error, print and exit Points ... 1 point for establishing a connection 1 point for sending a line 1 point for receiving a line 1 point for handling multiple lines 1 point for printing the IP number of the server (must look it up) -1 point for every uncaught error -1 point after Thursday Jan 27th -1 point after Thursday Feb 4th -1 point for every uncommented system call and/or variable