The Proxy Web Server

Your server is to wait for connections on a port above 1024.  When a web client connects to it, your client should determine which page the client is asking for, download that page, and send that page to the client.  However, if the page is from microsoft, you should abort the download with an error page.

To use this program, you will want to set your explorer to use a proxy server.  See "proxy server" under the help section.
Note that the default is to NOT use http/1.1 with proxy servers.

There is a program in in this directory that you can run to see the request that explorer sends. 

The main structure of your program might look like this ...

    sock = accept( ... )
    if i am the child
         read the request
         parse the request finding the URL they want
         download the URL
         send the URL
    if there was an error in fork
         print "Oops"
    if i am the parent
         close the socket from accept
Can handle commands that are sent in mutiple writes in your program.  That would have to look more like ...
    sock = accept( ... )
    if i am the child
         while not finished
              call select
              if data available
                  add it to the request buffer
              else if timeout
                  leave while loop
         parse the request finding the URL they want
         get the data
         send the data
    if there was an error in fork
         print "Oops"
    if i am the parent
         close the socket from accept

More Hints
Points Task
10 Can accept a request from a web client
10 Can parse the request finding the URL to download
10 Can copy the URL from the server to the client
30 Can handle more than one connection at a time (uses fork)
30 Can combine multiple reads into one request (uses select)
40 Has a cache
I don't expect most people to get this ... but suprise me!
30 Stops all pages from microsoft (or some other place)
10 Keeps a log file